Ecoul Înălţimilor

Ecoul Înălţimilor

sâmbătă, 31 martie 2012

CETATE - Workshop at DANUBE IV * 418gallery -Bucharest Con­tem­po­rary Art Gallery Artists: Ma­ri­na Al­bu Ste­fan Radu Cre­tu Adri­ana Elian Mag­gie Michael Ro­mul Nu­tiu Cris­tian Radu­ta What a hap­py, be­at­i­ful mo­ment, when the car fi­nal­ly en­ters the al­ley that leads to the set­tle­ment of CETATE. What might be wait­ing hor me there? What works did the artists do this time, how did the sum­mer work­shop 2011 evolve?... Di­rec­tor and Cu­ra­tor: Dr. Joana Gre­vers

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